I am still trying to catch up here as I posted my 16 week update a week late and my 17 week update a week late and now here is my 18 week update a week late!
Thankfully for me my blog allows me to date my posts so even though today is the 9th of September I can make this post dated for September 5th which was when I was 18 weeks and 5 days – the magic of the internet!
I totally thought I would have had it up last week but the abundance of house viewings we had to go to on top of all the other things I had on my plate it slipped my mind until this morning.
How Far Along: 18 weeks, 5 days
Maternity Clothes: Yes but I still much rather prefer to wear sweats and tights unless I am going somewhere where those would be inappropriate – like house viewings LOL!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: It feels like forever ago since I was weighed but at my last OBGYN appointment I was 132.2 lbs and not having a scale at home my weight gain is hard to track by week but I will find out the next time I have an appointment what my weight is! So as of that appointment I had gained 22.2lbs plus whatever else I have now gained since!
Stretch Marks: Still none! I am thinking this may be the case (fingers crossed) as I didn’t get any with either of my girls so having stretched out twice before one would think I would have no issues a third time!
Symptoms: None this week!
Have You Started To Show Yet: I swear every morning I wake up the belly has gotten bigger than the day before!
Sleep: Sleep is a hard things to come by these days and I think it is all the stress of finding a home with such little time left before we are suppose to move.
Anything Making You Queasy Or Sick: You might be surprised but the smell in the hallway was gone this week, I didn’t need to spray any Febreze and no gaging as I came and went 🙂
Happy Or Moody: I think I have been a little on the irritable side this week with all the stress of finding a house to rent and probably have overreacted to things that I normally wouldn’t.
Food Cravings: This week was much like last, eating 6lbs of oranges a day plus a ton of other fruits, it’s been cold so the Tang popsicles have taken a back seat and I haven’t been around a 7-Eleven to get any sour keys!
Food Aversions: I have finally given up on trying to eat Caesar Salad, it just isn’t happening and I have been wasting it and that makes me more upset the losing my love for it.
Best Moment This Week: I honestly don’t think anything was great about this week, it was stressful and filled with migraines.
Movement: The baby moves quite a bit, and now with me being able to feel the baby from the outside (hand on belly) I am really hoping we can catch the baby off-guard so Steve can finally feel his baby move.
Labor Signs: None and if all goes well I won’t have to feel labor signs as I will have a scheduled c-section prior to my due date.
Gender: I am eagerly awaiting out next ultrasounds on September 11 & 12 and crossing all my fingers and toes on one of those days the baby lets it be known because I really can’t take not knowing haha!
Belly Button In Or Out: Still an inny 🙂
What I Miss: Being in control of my emotions, I am normally very good at holding back and controlling things but lately I am a complete mess.
What I Am Looking Forward To: Finding out the sex of the baby, I don’t think this will change much until I do find out haha!
Weekly Wisdom: I honestly don’t have any this week, maybe you can give me some wisdom 🙂
If you are also 18 weeks pregnant below is some information on how your baby is growing!
How your baby is growing:
This week, you officially begin your fifth month of pregnancy. Top to bottom your baby is about 5 1/2 inches long and weighs almost 7 ounces which is about the size of a bell pepper. Your baby can now both feel and hear. Admittedly at the moment all they can hear is your heartbeat and the flow of your digestive system but soon they’ll be able to detect noise outside the womb and identify your voice. Your baby is busy flexing it’s arms and legs, movements that you’ll start noticing more and more. Your baby’s blood vessels are visible through their thin skin and your baby’s ears are now in their final position. If you’re having a girl, her uterus, vagina and fallopian tubes are formed and in place. If you’re having a boy, his genitals are noticeable now, but he may hide them from you during an ultrasound.
A mid-pregnancy ultrasound scan is often done sometime in the second trimester, usually between 18 and 22 weeks to assess fetal growth and development, screen for certain birth defects, check the placenta, umbilical cord and determine whether the gestational age is accurate. During this scan you might see your baby kick, flex, reach, roll, or even suck their thumb.
Are you expecting? Feel free to take the pregnancy survey and leave your answers in the comment section below to share your pregnancy journey with us!
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Shannon says
Hi Aimee! I just saw you on The Marilyn Denis Show and I am so very excited to understand that we as Canadians can have the same or similar saving opportunities as those we see on TV in the U.S! I am expecting my first child, due in September and have been struggling to find awesome deals on baby related items other than diapers, wipes, etc. I just purchased your e-book and cannot wait to read it, make notes and get out there and save, save, SAVE! Any tips or tricks for saving on maternity clothing would also be greatly appreciated!
Aimee says
Hi Shannon,
My biggest tip for maternity savings is BUY USED and join mom groups/freecycle groups on Facebook often women will be offering their maternity clothes as well as other baby related items free (or for a small amount) it saves big time!
I am not sure where you are located in Canada but if you shoot me an email (you can use the contact us at the bottom of my site) let me know where you are located and I can send you some links and stuff!
<3 Have a wonderful day!!!