How To Rock Being A Stay At Home Mom
Sometimes people may assume that being a stay at home mom is easy, boy are they wrong! Your days are busy and full of kids needing drinks filled, snacks, meals, cleaning up after them, doing regular household chores, and more. You might find that at the end of the day you are counting down until bedtime arrives. I am going to share useful ways to rock being a stay at home mom, to help you survive and feel more at peace at the end of the day!
Being a stay at home mom really is a juggling act! You are constantly taking care of all the things around your home and your children on top of it, all the while you mind is constantly thinking of all the things on you still need to do. It really can become overwhelming at times.
How To Rock Being A Stay At Home Mom
Being able to stay at home with your kids is so rewarding, you don’t miss their milestones, you get to love and kiss on them, and you know they are safe. But, it doesn’t mean by choosing this path it is easy. Just like any other job, it can take a toll on you. Use these tips below to help you survive being a stay at home mom!
Get Up, Get Ready
All too often you might find a stay at home moms in yoga pants or last nights pajamas. I mean they are staying at home all day, why not be comfy! Try getting up and getting ready for the day. Putting on a nice outfit and a little makeup really helps me feel like I can conquer the world a little bit easier! Plus it feels nice to do!
Plan Your Day
One thing I found extremely helpful was planning my day the night before. I had a small day planner that I would write down everything I wanted/needed to do each day. I prioritized things into 2-3 categories; must do, would be great if it got done, and bonus if these get done. With that said, I don’t think I ever 100% completed the list. Not completing everything on your list is perfectly normal. You are only one person and there are only so many hours in a day, don’t be too hard on yourself!
Try and find a friend to be able to spend time with or even talk to via text or phone calls. This will really help you a lot, and you can find tips and tricks from them on how they handle life as a stay at home mom that you might benefit from. If your kids are in the same age range, you can set up play dates and have a good time seeing friends while letting your kids engage with others their age.
Sometimes half the battle of being a stay at home mom is getting out of the house and interacting with other adults. I can tell you that over the last 3.5 years of being home with Bella been depressed many times as I often felt lonely and trapped at home. Connecting with others and getting out will benefit everyone as a happier mom is the best kind of mom!
Ask for Help
If you feel you are having a really rough day or week ask for help. See if a family member, a babysitter, or your spouse can help so you can have some time for yourself! It can be tough and sometimes we as moms need a little break! It doesn’t make you a bad mom, weak, or less than, it just means your wore down and need to make yourself a priority for a little bit.
Kids Activities
Taking your kids to some activities is a great way for them to grow, interact and learn. It also allows you to have a little breather while they have fun. You can do activities at your local library, local community centres, etc. Just don’t over fill your schedule and create more stress for yourself.
Some days the weather doesn’t always cooperate or going out isn’t possible. On those days you can plan some activities that the little ones can do independently so you can knock off some of your to-do list!
Go Easy On Yourself
Being a mother or parent for that matter is challenging and scary at times. We all have good days and bad, and if we work at doing our best that is all we can ask. When your little one won’t stop crying, laundry and dishes are piling up and so on, it can become overwhelming. Remember to take a breather, and know that tomorrow is a new day. There is no true handbook when it comes to kids, they beat to their own drum! Just know you got this, and tomorrow will be a better day!
Do you have any other tips that help you rock being a stay at home mom? Share them in the comment section below!
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Jonnie says
I agree that planning your day is so important. If I don’t have a plan for exactly what I want to get done, the time just disappears. It’s nice to feel like you accomplished some tangible things each day.
kathy downey says
Thanks so much for the helpful tips
Elizabeth Matthiesen says
I agree whole heartedly, I was a stay at home mum of seven. Without making lists I’d never have achieved anything at all. Having a friend or two with children helps a lot, you can have a coffee together or go for a walk together. The kids entertain each other most of the time.
Nicole says
I am ahome stay at home mom. My husband works out and is inly home once a month. The first two weeks were quite difficult as he was very hands on with our 2 year old son.
Lucky for me my son is at creche from 7 am until 4pm.
I am home all day with my 9 month old daughter.
I make sure the night before my kitchen is clean, toys are packed and clothes are out for the next day for both kids.
I prepare meals early as anything can happen during the day.
Either I get visitors or my 9 month old is in one of her ” I want mommy all day moods”
I prepare food in advance for her so its just basically warm up when she is hungry.
Just being prepared for a just incase really helps a lot. When the time comes im not running around like a headless chicken.
I make sure my 9 month old is bathed before her brother gets home ( baths twice a day) so I cAn give him as much attention as he deserves.
There after its back to the same ild routine.