© Aimée Geroux | http://extremecouponingmom.ca
Earlier this week I shared with you an amazing FREE printable set of DIY Alphabet Flash Cards.
Well, today I am back at it and ready to share another amazing FREE printable with you, DIY Number Flash Cards.
I will also be sharing Shape & Colour Flash Cards as well as many other free printables so definitely stay tuned for those in the coming weeks.
I had my first child at a pretty young age, I was only 19 when I gave birth to Chris on a cold day back in May of 2002, later on, that month I turned 20.
His sister Hailee followed almost 3 years later.
When they were born there really wasn’t an online forum of mom groups and this wide world of bloggers there to share all kinds of amazing tools to help aid us in teaching our children.
I am sure there were bloggers back then but I don’t think it was quite the way it is now almost 14 years later.
My older kids also attended daycare from an early age so they learned a lot there.
I was a single mom for many years as my older kids grew up and working full-time outside the home in order to keep a roof over our heads meant there wasn’t much time in between me arriving home and their bedtime to cook, eat, and bathe.
We always read bedtime stories but for the most part, their learning came from what was being taught in the daycare and then in Kindergarten.
I relied on them heavily to teach my kids what I would have had I been home.
I do feel sometimes like I could have been a better mother, sometimes as I am sitting on my living room floor with Bella, teaching her a new skill, I will get emotional as I think to myself that I should have found that time, squeezed it in somewhere with my older two.
Ugh, that lovely friend MOM GUILT.
As I mentioned in the DIY Alphabet Flash Cards post, Bella has really excelled in her learning using a variety of tools such as her Ikea chalkboard that I use to draw the alphabet, numbers, colours, and shapes on as well as the Munchkin bath letters and numbers that turn bath time into learning time too and flash cards like these DIY Number Flash Cards I am sharing with you today!
At 2 years old she was able to recognize all the letters in the alphabet, her basic shapes, basic colours, and numbers from 1-10.
To make these DIY Number Flash Cards I use the Scotch Thermal Laminating Pouches that go with my Scotch Thermal Laminator.
I normally buy them on Amazon. I also prefer to print on thicker white cardstock type paper.
The DIY Number Flash Cards FREE printable is set up so it will print 4 cards per page. This is to help cut down paper waste.
- Cut the four cards out, trimming them smaller so there is space between them once they are placed in the laminating pouch.
- Swipe the back of each paper card with a glue stick before placing it into the pouch so they will not shift. Be sure to leave enough space between the cards so you can cut to separate them after they are sealed.
- Run the pouch through your laminator 1-2 times, I like to do it twice to get it nice and sealed. Then let cool before cutting. I like to round the edges so the little ones don’t scratch or poke themselves.
DIY Number Flash Cards FREE Printable

© Aimée Geroux | http://extremecouponingmom.ca
Click here to download the DIY Number Flash Cards FREE Printable
Don’t forget to get the DIY Alphabet Flash Cards FREE Printable over here on the blog!
If you would like to see more educational and fun FREE printables be sure to let me know in the comment section below!
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Carole says
Thanks for sharing! These are beautiful flash card!
kristen visser says
what a clever idea! i love these. They would be perfect for my youngest who is just starting to really talk and and putting words with images 🙂
Aimee says
Oh yes they would, these would also be good http://extremecouponingmom.ca/diy-alphabet-flash-cards-free-printable/, alphabet ones! My daughter has loved learning with these flash cards!
Gelline Galgana says
Hi I love the cards you made! I was wondering where is the link to download the number cards you made? I can only find the alphabet ones, which are also amazing by the way!
Aimee says
If you click the link near the end of the post it takes you to them. I accidentally had it saying Alphabet but they are indeed the Number ones and I just edited that. Thanks for the heads up 🙂
Krista M says
These flash cards are so cute! It’s really so much easier to download & print these than to buy at the store. My son knows his numbers by memorization, but needs to visually see on cards the 2 fruits in order for it to make sense to him as he has autism.
roan says
thank you for sharing this printable flash cards! such a great convenience for a working mom like me. 🙂
Wynn says
Hi Aimee I’m almost touched reading your story. I’m sure you are a great mom and you have gone above and beyond to do flash cards for your children and then to have shared it with the rest of the world. Thanks so much for the share. Your children really lucky to have a mum like you. =)
Aizek says
I love this printable! Thank you so much! Just noticed that it says “sixteen fish” instead of “sixteen fishes.” Not a big deal, any mom can fix it.
Aimee Geroux says
It is actually either fish or fishes for the plural according to the dictionary and fishes sounds odd, at least here in Canada anyone I have encountered has always said fish for plural eg: I bought ten fish, not I bought ten fishes. See how weird the fishes sounds? http://crofsblogs.typepad.com/english/2005/02/fish_or_fishes.html
kathy downey says
They certainly are nice,thanks so much!
Debbie White Beattie says
These flashcards are great and they’re a great way to help kids learn.
Jade Go says
Thank you for these! I don’t need to buy flash cards anymore.. It’s just one print away! super cute! 🙂
Davina says
I was about to order some and thought, can’t i do that myself? and even better, someone else might share what they created! I have tons of paper and ink so no cost to me today.
Thanks for the freebie!
Aimee Geroux says
You are very welcome, enjoy!
Jun Balderama says
This is beautiful, My daughter love it. And no need to edit. thank you.
Prince says
Great flash cards!.Thank you so much.
Jana says
What a cute idea! I love the design of these flashcards! So colorful and cute! Can’t wait to print them out!
Mary says
juchel garzon says
Thank you so much for the free printable cards. I’m sure the kids will love it!