I am sure my results won’t surprise you much, I am a Hunter <— SHOCKER right?
I am the beast and the best deal is my prey when it comes to almost anything in life, I have to find the best deal, barter the price down or use coupons when possible!
How fitting is it that my weapon of choice is my coupons’ binder and my badge of honour is my giant stockpile. According to the quiz I will never ever EVER run out of toothpaste, air freshener, vitamins, diapers and cat food.
Honestly where are the cameras, are the UsedEverywhere.com crew looking in my home right now?
I carefully map my prey with local flyers and I know exactly where the absolute best deals are each week.
It is no surprise that UsedEverywhere.com is one of my main hunting grounds. If a seller doesn’t know how to barter, I move on. Ain’t nobody got time for that!
I love that this quiz was so dead on my personality (as I sit here admiring my stockpile in my office giggling) and that through my crazy “Hunter” personality I am able to give back and help so many people (last picture in the bottom row above is my current donation collection, boxed up and just waiting for a few more boxes of hygiene items to be added)!
I can’t get enough of looking for deals, whether it is for groceries; clothing for the kids, toys, you name it I am never willing to pay full price.
I use many outlets to find deals on things that coupons can’t help me with, like Bella’s baby swing – snagged that bad boy for $50.00 (reg retail $199.99) and it was in BRAND NEW condition. Also, I just recently snagged my sister the exact same swing in brand new condition for $50. I got Bella a Bumbo chair for $15 with the straps and tray. Best part, the seller never did do more than try to fit her baby in it but sadly her baby’s thighs were a tad too chubby and wouldn’t fit <– don’t get me wrong I LOVE chubs on babies, but I love that I got the deal. All these things and more were acquired by classified sites like my local UsedToronto.com.
The cast of quiz characters are:
The DIY Diva – ain’t nothing you can’t do with a $1 Mason jar
The Hunter – all the deals will be yours. All of them
The Flipper – you love the hunt, but you love the ROI even more
The Savvy Spender – buy a little, sell a little, it’s all chill
The Happy Hoarder – you don’t want it, you NEED it
Now I want to know what is YOUR BIG deal personality, take this super fun, super quick survey and come back to let me know what your results were in the comments below! Oh and did I mention when you take the quiz you will be entered to win $500 cold hard CASH or a Samsung Galaxy Tab? So what are you waiting for? Go take the quiz and let me know your results!
Find your local UsedEverywhere.com site here
Disclosure: Although this post has been sponsored by UsedEverywhere.com, the opinions and language are all my own, and in no way do they reflect UsedEverywhere.com. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, company, provider or party in question.
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Tracey says
Hi I can’t understand how to get into this couponing thing. I love getting a deal but I can never find any coupons that actually let me get a product free. I sign up to get coupons in the mail lots of times and I think I received a few one time. Could you let me know what i’m doing wrong I seen your stock pile and would absolutely love to get into this. I usually shop at Superstore, Giant Tiger, Foodland, Walmart and Sobey’s. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Aimee says
Getting items free with coupons is all in the timing, having the coupon valid (not expired) when an amazing sale comes along is how I get my items free. Walmart by far is the best for price matching and many price match Canada Wide which allows you to price match Chinese grocery stores and stores not local to you. My favourite app to use to price match is Flyerify, if you don’t have a compatible phone for it you can always go on their website and print the flyers from their site to price match. They have the most extensive list of flyers I have seen 🙂
Jenn says
I’m savvy spender. I like to dabble in a little of everything!! What a great quiz and I’m jealous of your stock! lol
Aimee says
It certainly comes in handy with my big family and two girls who can out-eat grown men.
Touristmeetstraveler says
I have not used coupons often, they’ve never been meant for me.
Fariha says
I’m not big on using coupons myself, bartering and finding a deal – for sure! My mom used coupons a lot when we were growing up. I am seriously impressed with how organized your items are!
Aimee says
Those pictures are from a few months back when I was overstocked on a lot and floor space was being used. I have since put in new shelving and it is actually even more so organized than in those pictures haha! My partner has a slight touch of OCD and has worked facing items his whole life so he is a great help 🙂 I honestly don’t know what I would do without coupons, price matching and my rebate apps I honestly save $100’s of dollars a month on our groceries that way.
Merry120 says
I’m a happy hoarder. 🙂
Aimee says
My partner is a happy hoarder too, just ask his closet of 50+ jackets LOL! I suppose I am slightly a happy hoarder as well due to my stockpile but I gladly donate when we have too much 🙂
Casey E. Palmer says
Guess I know whose place to crash at when the apocalypse hits.
Make extra room for 3, please 🙂
Aimee says
Oh we can surely make room for 3 Casey 🙂
Nan S says
I’m savvy spender. The description fits me like a glove!
Kerrie @ Family Food and Travel says
Wow – I wish I had the room to stockpile – looks like you have so much – would love to know if you ever miss expiry dates on products? I know I am guilty of that with food!
Aimee says
Never Kerrie, we rotate our stock and between our family of 6 here in my home plus my sister/brother/friends always taking what they need plus my donations I have never had to throw out a single thing due to expiry 🙂 I am super organized when it comes to my stockpile with help from my partner who has a slight touch of OCD 🙂
coffee with julie says
I totally thought I would get The Hunter too, but I got The Savvy Spender!
Katie says
DIY Diva 🙂
Denise P says
I’m The Savvy Spender! Good judge of character 🙂
Brian Johnson says
Savvy Spender
tara says
I got the hunter
Lexi says
I am the “Savvy Spender”. 🙂