I am still trying to catch up here as I posted my 16 week update a week late and now my 17 week update is also a week late. Hectic life of gearing up for my two girls to go back to school plus the stresses of finding our new home as we are set to move October 1st has made keeping up-to-date on some less important things hard as they took the back seat over the last few weeks! Luckily for me I don’t have too much of “pregnant brain” and I can remember important details!
I honestly can’t believe that our little bundle will be here in just 5 short months, scary actually, just a little as we still have not found a new home and our notice was given for September 30th and the fact we really don’t want to be buying too much stuff prior to moving, why lug it twice – home from the store then to the new home not to mention we still don’t know the sex of the baby and for me this is key in planning our nursery, decor etc.
I do have some baby items already that I posted about last week and since then we picked up a Fisher Price My Little Lamb Cradle n’ Swing very gently used in almost brand new condition (other than it having no box it looks brand new) for only $50.00 off Kijiji.ca <– I check that site daily for deals I can scoop up on things I am ok with buying used for the baby. One less thing on my very long list!
How Far Along: 17 weeks, 4 days
Maternity Clothes: Yes, but to be honest while at home I am either in pj’s or sweats. I absolutely love my pregnancy pants though as I got the new-aged ones that do not have that big piece of fabric over the belly and they look just like normal pants other than the fact they have some elastic sewn in on a few spots of the waist.
Total Weight Gain/Loss: At my last OBGYN appointment I was 132.2 lbs and not having a scale at home my weight gain is hard to track by week but I will find out the next time I have an appointment what my weight is! So as of that appointment I had gained 22.2lbs plus whatever else I have now gained since!
Stretch Marks: Still none! I was lucky to not get any with my previous two pregnancies so I am hoping the luck continues.
Symptoms: I am not sure if it is just all the hustle and bustle of the kids going back to school but I have been super exhausted the last week or so and find it hard to stay up past 9pm.
Have You Started To Show Yet: People cannot believe I am only 4 months along as I look much further along. I think it could have much to do with the fact I am a very tiny woman (5’5 110lbs when not pregnant) so my belly has sprouted out like a basket ball. It doesn’t look like I have gotten bigger anywhere else other than my belly and boobs which is very typical for my pregnancies.
Sleep: I am still not sleeping great, still trying to get my hands on a Snoogle free or as cheap as I can get it but alas the search for one continues!
Anything Making You Queasy Or Sick: Can I still say that nasty smell in the hallway of my apartment building (my floor) GAH! I honestly can’t wait to move, this smell has almost depleted my huge stockpile of air freshener as I am constantly spraying the hallway so people who visit me don’t think that stench is coming from our apartment. I do know however which apartment it is coming from and I honestly don’t know how they can deal with that it makes me gag every time I smell it.
Happy Or Moody: I have been pretty happy and I can thank back-to-school for that LOL! Not hearing the kids fight all day long is a huge stress relief. Even if it is only until 3:45pm.
Food Cravings: I have had the most intense cravings for oranges ever. When I say cravings I mean CRAVINGS, I will cut up a 3lb bag of oranges and devour it then a little while later go cut up another 3lb bag of oranges and again devour it. I honestly cannot keep enough oranges in the house to sustain my needs. The two pictures below are from the same day, and now right after I finish this post I will be headed to Loblaws down the street to pick up my daily need of oranges!
Food Aversions: I have finally given up on trying to eat Caesar Salad, it just isn’t happening and I have been wasting it and that makes me more upset the losing my love for it.
Best Moment This Week: Finally being able to feel the baby move from the OUTSIDE, I have been feeling the baby move inside for quite some time now but finally this past week I have been able to put my hand on my belly and feel our baby moving. Of course the minute I tell Steve the baby is moving and he places his hand on my belly the baby stops – why does this always happen? I honestly can remember that happening with my girls and their father, what’s up with these babies eh!
Movement: The baby moves quite a bit, and now with me being able to feel the baby from the outside (hand on belly) I am really hoping we can catch the baby off-guard so Steve can finally feel his baby move.
Labor Signs: None and if all goes well I won’t have to feel labor signs as I will have a scheduled c-section prior to my due date.
Gender: I am eagerly awaiting out next ultrasounds on September 11 & 12 and crossing all my fingers and toes on one of those days the baby lets it be known because I really can’t take not knowing haha!
Belly Button In Or Out: Still an inny 🙂
What I Miss: I miss not aching, as a tiny woman the extra weight gain is straining my already bad back and knees. I have been in a lot of pain the last week or two, especially my knees as they cramp up.
What I Am Looking Forward To: Finding out the sex of the baby, I don’t think this will change much until I do find out haha! AND finding a new home, we are on a serious time crunch now and it is really stressing me out.
Weekly Wisdom: If you are tired or sore no matter how much work or things you have to do take a time-out! I am such a “work-driven” person and I find it hard to know when I need to step away and lately I have been getting better at saying “You know what, I need rest and everything else can wait”.
If you are also 17 weeks pregnant below is some information on how your baby is growing!
How your baby’s growing:
This week your baby’s eyes look forward instead of to the sides and your baby’s ears are almost in their final place. Your baby’s skeleton is also changing from a soft cartilage to bone and the umbilical cord is growing stronger and thicker. Your baby now weighs 5 ounces which is about as much as a turnip and your baby is around 5 inches long from head to bottom. Your baby can also now move its joints and their sweat glands are starting to develop.
Your growing uterus has shifted your center of gravity and you’ve probably been feeling a bit off-balanced so be careful and wear low-heeled shoes if you are into higher ones – I personally can’t stand high heels so I have no issue with this, I never quite understood how all those celebrity moms wore such high heels during their pregnancies.
If you haven’t had an amniocentesis yet and plan to, this week is a good time. I personally never had this done with either of my girls and do not plan to with this pregnancy. The main reason is a friend was told her baby had downs syndrome and when born did not, I can imagine the stress of finding out something is wrong with your unborn baby let alone it being incorrect seeing as I had something similar happen to me early on in this pregnancy where the ultrasound tech said I had trophoblastic tissue when I did not and it was the placenta. Personally if my baby has a defect or syndrome that is the way god planned for my baby to be and we will deal with it when the time comes.
Are you expecting? Feel free to take the pregnancy survey and leave your answers in the comment section below to share your pregnancy journey with us!
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