With being high-risk normal obgyn’s won’t take my care on as they do not specialize typically in high-risk cases so as of last week the chances of finding a obgyn that could handle my care in Toronto was not looking too great. My doctor had stated that if we could not locate one I would HAVE to deliver at McMaster Children’s Hospital in Hamilton. This had been my biggest stress as the last obgyn she got me a referral for was male and when we called that hospital which was also for high-risk pregnancies they had zero female obgyn’s (weird I know). Delivering in Hamilton honestly wasn’t an option for me as to deliver in mid-winter, in a city I do not reside in and will be about a 2 – 2.5 hour drive from where we plan on living come October is kind of ridiculous.
Relief has finally come this week as my family doctor finally found me a high-risk female obgyn at Sunnybrook Hospital! While not my hospital of choice, I was hoping to deliver at Mt. Sinai, I at this point have to accept the hospital as it may be my only option for a female high-risk obgyn to deliver me in Toronto vs Hamilton.
How Far Along: 15 weeks, 5 days
Maternity Clothes: Yes.
Total Weight Gain/Loss: I am now 132.2 lbs which means in two weeks I have gained 2.2 more lbs since my last weigh in at the doctors bringing my total weight gain thus far to be 22.2lbs!
Stretch Marks: Still none! I was lucky to not get any with my previous two pregnancies so I am hoping the luck continues.
Symptoms: None anymore!
Have You Started To Show Yet: Oh yes the bump continues to grow 🙂
Sleep: Last weeks “I think I am starting to sleep better” didn’t last long. I am back to waking up all hours of the night because I just can’t get comfortable. I am either too hot (central air is cranked) or need to go to the bathroom lol!
Anything Making You Queasy Or Sick: The rancid smell in the hallway of our apt building makes me gag … I admit to spraying a whole can of febreze out there :s
Happy Or Moody: I have my moments, I am generally in a good mood but things can put me in a bad mood much more quickly with my hormones raging out of control!
Food Cravings: Still loving Tang popsicles and sour keys. Eating LOTS of fruit especially now that the yellow plums are in season as they are one of my favourite fruits ever!
Food Aversions: Still can’t eat Caesar Salad but I will not give up and will keep trying, one of these days I am bound to like it … hopefully!
Best Moment This Week: Getting a female obgyn in Toronto finally and having another ultrasound today in which I got two more pictures of little baby Badali (see below)
Movement: Baby Badali is a mover, always around 7pm the little one just starts going and doesn’t stop until around 10pm!
Labor Signs: None and if all goes well I won’t have to feel labor signs as I will have a scheduled c-section prior to my due date.
Gender: We had our second ultrasound today BUT little baby Badali had his or her legs crossed the whole time so gender is still a surprise at this point. I have two more ultrasounds booked for September 11 & 12 for full anatomy (due to being high-risk) so hopefully on one of those days my little bean will cooperate and allow us to know the gender!
Belly Button In Or Out: Still an inny!
What I Miss: My brain, lately I am forgetting everything and am so disorganized it is unlike me!
What I Am Looking Forward To: Finding out the sex of the baby.
Weekly Wisdom: Make lists!!! I find this past week I am forgetting a lot or having temporary A.D.D which is causing me to start projects and trail off into other things not completing tasks so I have started to make use of my design skills and have been making pretty lists and charts for everything I need to do with the blog, house work etc.
If you are also 15 weeks pregnant below is some information on how your baby is growing!
How your baby’s growing:
Your little bundle of joy now measures about 4 inches long from crown to rump and weighs in at about 2 1/2 ounces which is about the size of an apple. Your baby’s busy moving amniotic fluid through its nose and upper respiratory tract which helps the primitive air sacs in her lungs begin to develop. Your baby’s legs are growing longer than its arms now and they can move all of their joints and limbs. Although your baby’s eyelids are still fused shut they can still sense light. Your baby is also starting to form taste buds.
If you have an ultrasound this week you may be able to find out whether your baby’s a boy or a girl! Don’t be too disappointed if they are unable to as I too was unable to find out this week with my ultrasound today. Deciphering your baby’s sex depends on the clarity of the picture and on your baby’s position. He or she may be modestly curled up or like mine have its legs crossed hiding the goods!
Nothing makes a pregnancy feel more real than feeling your baby move for the first time. Most moms-to-be discern movement (called quickening) between 16 and 20 weeks. If you’ve been pregnant before like me you’ll feel things earlier rather than later, I first felt the baby move at 14 weeks! Make note of when you first start feeling the baby and tell your midwife or doctor at your next visit.
Are you expecting? Feel free to take the pregnancy survey and leave your answers in the comment section below to share your pregnancy journey with us!
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