Learning To Love And Embrace My Body With Stā Body
Loving your body, seems like something that should just be, a natural thing right? For many women, myself included, we struggle to love our bodies. We are our worst critics, we judge every inch of ourselves and no matter how many people tell us we are beautiful we don’t believe it.
Growing up I was always the smallest person in my class. I was short, petite, and flat chested. I can recall the jokes boys would say about my chest, or lack there of, still as clear as the day they said it. At 35 I still don’t have much going on up there. Some days I dream of getting a breast augmentation. Nothing drastic, just enough that I can wear clothing without a bra and actually have something there. Until I win the lottery I will just have to be thankful for good bras that make me look like I am not a 12-year-old girl!
Even after the birth of my first daughter, who I gained 68 lbs with, I went right back down to my pre-pregnancy body. I don’t know if it was luck, the fact I was only 20 years old, or good genes. Shortly after Abby’s birth I was diagnosed with cervical cancer and had to undergo surgery which left me with dense scar tissue on my cervix. When I became pregnant with Hailee they told me I would likely have to deliver via c section due to the scar tissue.
In February 2005 Hailee was born via c section. I recovered and lost almost all of the weight quickly! Other than changing my pant size from a zero to a three, and a tiny pouch where I was cut, the extra weight wasn’t that noticeable. To be quite honest my body needed a bit of meat on its bones anyway.
In June of 2013 I found out I was pregnant with Bella. I was now in my 30’s and they say something about that shift changes the way our bodies work to burn fat. I was high-risk with Bella so it wasn’t like I could work out to counter the pounds I was packing on. After delivering Bella I struggled to lose the weight I had gained, I lost all but 20 lbs. The second c section also left me with more of a pouch than I had after Hailee. I assume this is from my stomach muscles being cut for a second time and things not “tightening” back up like they did in my early 20’s. I struggled to feel comfortable in clothing, I hated how I looked in a bathing suit, and shopping was a nightmare.
In 2015 I decided to quit smoking. While an amazing thing both financially and health wise, it wasn’t so nice to me in terms of weight. I packed on another 20lbs and no matter what I ate I couldn’t lose the weight. I wouldn’t have cared if those extra 20lbs went to my chest, but no, they went straight to my stomach! Unless I sucked my stomach in all day, or wore shapewear that made me feel like I couldn’t breath, I would look like I was a good 7 months pregnant.
I hated my body. Just the thought of going out and having to find an outfit that hid my body made me an emotional wreck. I was depressed about the way I looked, the way I looked in clothes. Nothing fit nicely, everything I tried on made my stomach the main attraction, and I couldn’t go to events in leggings and a baggy sweater.
Embracing My Body With Stā Body

Photo Credit: Pamela Yool Photography
Over the past year I have lost 10lbs. While I still have a jiggly, far from toned belly, I started to feel more comfortable about my body. Over the past month I have finally began to LOVE my body, like really love it! It’s taken me a few years to get here, but I am here. I know I will likely never be a size 0 again, not that I want to be, and I have begun to embrace the body I have.
My body has carried and birthed 3 lives into this world. Two of those births being c sections. It has been faced with two near-death experiences that lead to emergency surgeries. This is my body, the only one I have and I am going to love every inch of it!
I was intrigued when asked to review a new type of shapewear for women, the Stā Body Suit by Stā Body. How would this be any different from what I already owned?
If you were to open my undergarment drawer you would see an array of shapewear. I own both bottom and tummy shapers, to full on shapewear body suits. While they hug in my belly, they are not very comfortable. Often I will end up with little bulges where there once were none. Traditional shapewear, in my opinion, is not comfortable enough for every day wear. I find after a few hours of wearing traditional shapewear I feel nauseous from being compressed.
Shapewear Comfortable Enough To Wear Everyday?

Photo Credit: Pamela Yool Photography
When my Stā Body package arrived I eagerly opened it to check out the body suits. These are not like traditional shapewear that have to be hidden under clothing. They were sleek and didn’t have the visible shapewear look and lines. I have been wearing my Stā Body suit as a top almost 90% of the time.
The Stā Body Suit is made from recycled fabric. It is also made with 16% Spandex that gently smooths without suffocating or creating bulges. The fabric is moisture wicking and anti-microbial, this means no more overheating and sweating like with traditional shapewear. It is extremely comfortable, something you can wear every day!
I even wore it on one of my segments for The Marilyn Denis Show, couldn’t tell could you?
Innovative Design

Photo Credit: Pamela Yool Photography
Another amazing feature of the Stā Body suit, the bottom is attached to the center in the front which ensures constant tummy concealment. This means no more fighting with your shapewear that constantly is bunching or rolling down!
This feature has me excited to go shopping. I love the look and comfort of maxi skirts, but can never find a top that looks right. Now I don’t have to find a top, I can just wear my Stā Body suit!

Photo Credit: Pamela Yool Photography
Whether you choose to wear it solo or underneath other clothing it looks identical to a tank top, including the straps which conceal your bra. The tank band holds and is secure under the tummy. So if your top happens to raise up when you lift your arms, they will see a sleek tank not an embarrassing shaper.
Ready For Your Mind To Be Blown?

Photo Credit: Pamela Yool Photography
I don’t know about you but I hate that traditional shapewear is hard to conceal. I either have lines on my thighs from short type shapewear, or panty lines!
If you think Stā Body couldn’t possibly get any better you are wrong! Their body suits have a THONG back … ladies rejoice, and sing it with me “na na na na, na na na na, hey hey hey visible panty lines, GOODBYE!”.
The Stā Body suits thong is separated from the back, this means it won’t ride up. There is nothing worse than bending over and having your thong make an unwanted appearance! The tank also stays put in the back giving your back-end much appreciated coverage.
Now this is where things become heavenly and my mind forever blown. So because the thong is separated from the back you no longer have to disrobe to relieve yourself ladies. Nope, you won’t have to fumble around to take up your top and down the suit just to go to the bathroom. You simply pull down the thong from the back and do your business!
Stā Confident, Stā Beautiful, Stā You!
The Stā Body suit comes in two colours, black and white. It is available in sizes small through XXL. You can purchase them separately or they offer them as a set, the duo. I highly recommend getting the set, that way you have options!
Stefanie, creator and owner of Stā Body has generously provided me with an exclusive discount to offer my readers. Head over to the Stā Body website and during checkout use code XTREME to save 20% off your order!
What feature of the Stā Body Suit do you love the most vs your traditional shapewear? Let me know in the comment section below!
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Stay up-to-date with all things Stā Body, follow them on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest!
Disclosure: Although we were sent product for review consideration, the opinions and language are all my own, and in no way do they reflect Stā Body. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, company, provider or party in question.
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Mary says
May I ask what your favorite feature is?
Aimee Geroux says
It’s really hard to pick one. I absolutely love that it does not make me overheat and doesn’t suffocate me making me feel sick to my stomach like traditional shapewear as well as not having to get undressed to use the bathroom. I REALLY love the thong feature that allows me to use the bathroom without taking off my clothes and the bodysuit.
Sue Lambe says
Love that it is a thong…no more lines! So smart!
Victoria Ess says
Thanks for sharing your story, which I’m sure many readers can relate to. It’s great that you’re starting to love and feel comfortable in your body again — you’re beautiful!
Lian says
You look fabulous in your photos. I like that you do not even notice your shapewear. I also like that this piece is comfortable while doing its job. It is not fun to wear any piece of uncomfortable clothing. I will be passing this along so others can hear about what you thought.
Sarah Bailey says
I think you look absolutely amazing in your photos.I will have to look into the Sta Bodysuit myself it sounds like a comfy piece of shapewear.
Tara Pittman says
Over the years I have learned to like my body. I do have a tummy from 5 kids but it does not matter any more
Cassie says
Wow! That shapewear looks awesome and I’d love to try for sure! Loving your body is really important!
Heather Johnson says
Stā Body sounds likes some interesting shapewear. I personally have never tried shapewear of any kind.
Tina Gleisner says
So glad you’ve found something you’re comfortable wearing & you look great in all the photos. I guess if our clothes weren’t so tight, this wouldn’t be such a huge problem?
Jennifer Seigler says
You look gorgeouse on your photos! Thanks for sharing this post that will surely uplift the spirits of mothers who have body issues!
Victoria Sconion says
This is why I’m so nervous about quitting smoking because when I don’t smoke. I tend to want to eat more too. I appreciate your honesty because I do need to learn to love and embrace my body. I will have to check out sta body especially since I just had a baby.
chen says
Thank you so much for sharing your experience. I definitely am interested in checking it out now.
Annemarie LeBlanc says
After three kids, who by the way are all grown ups now, I have learned to love and accept my body. My tummy, my tiger stripes, my flabby arms. This body nurtured three angels. That alone is enough to make me proud of this body.
Ali Rost says
I rarely make a purchase immediately after reading a blog post, but in this case I made an exception. I’m in love with these body suits. You’re so right about other shape wears, I have to take them off after a couple of hours or my tummy starts to hurt. Can’t wait until they arrive in the mail. Thank-you so much! x
Echo says
It’s awesome when something can make you feel so great about yourself. I can definitely say that you look lovely and confident in your pictures.
Mara Martinez says
1st. I think you look absolutely amazing. 2nd. You are right, we are our worst critics.
3rd. I’m curious how does the top attach at the front? And. A. You wear the top without the bottom?
Very interesting. Thank you for showing us.
Cynthia Nicoletti says
You look great !! I love all your outfits very fashionable. If you look good you feel good.
Claire Santiago says
Many shapewears i saw online and in physical stores but I doubt if they are really worth it. This one seems nice though, and convincing. Given the chance, I would love to try Sta Body. I would want to take back that body of mine 15 years ago.
Carol Cassara says
I’ve never heard of Sta Body before but I would love to learn more about it. I’m glad that it works so well for you! Can I just add that I love your outfit choices as well!
HauteBeautyGuide says
This definitely sounds like something to try! I could sure use some help in the toning department 😉
Missy says
Wow! I would have never guessed these were bodysuits if I hadn’t read your article. When I initially glanced at the pics, I thought you were just wearing tucked-in camisoles.
Sarah Lamb says
I love that this shape wear offers confidence and smoothing while not making you feel like an uncomfortable sausage!
Lindsay says
Sounds like the perfect something for my baby body.. after 4 kids, the middle two being twins… my body has never recovered and the tummy skin never will.
Jen C says
I have worn shape wear and also find myself feeling nauseous after awhile due to the constant compression. The fact that you state this shapewear didn’t that! Also the fact that the bottom part is connected in the front but not in the back, making bathroom trips easy. Your review has made me very intrigued about this bodysuit!
em says
i always tend to feel hot with shapewear, good to hear that this one won’t make me overheat or sweat
Shanda says
I love that it can double as a shirt!
Brenda Penton says
Ohh I am liking that! I have a few shapewear pieces that I can’t wear because I feel so hot and sick in them.
Sab Edwards says
I like that it looks like a tank top!! I wear tanks at work , even in the winter months so this would be great
Leslie Luu says
Love the idea that the bottom is attached to the center in the front so that I don’t have to deal with the ibunching or rolling down. Great post!
Kyla says
Sounds very intriguing. It would b great to have shapewear that is comfortable unlike spanx. Comfort is so important not just the shaping qualities.
Erika p says
I like that it is moisture wicking
Danielle Gagnon-Coombs says
I have worn many different shapes of shape wear before. I have never been comfortable in any of them. From the review, I am confident that Sta Body is it. The shape wear that I have been looking for.
Jenna Cameron says
I like that it doubles as a shirt and that it won’t bunch in the tummy area because it’s attached on the middle on the front. No visible lines is a nice feature as well!
Cathy says
I love the thong feature. Would love to check these out.
Tracey S says
You look incredible! I have a few curves I wouldn’t mind smoothing out:)
Ann says
Definitely the feature of the the bottom being attached to the center in the front which ensures constant tummy concealment.
Antonella says
The bodysuit is my favourite! I want my tummy concealed!
Laura says
I recently just had a baby and I love that the shapwear will help hide my mommy tummy of lose skin. It’s soo depressing trying on clothes after losing my baby weight only to have this lose skin get in the way.
Debbie White Beattie says
Whatever it takes to make you feel better about yourself because we are our own worst enemies. This suit can really help us look better and feel better
kathy downey says
Thanks ,wonderful post have been thinking about this product.Great review,you look fantastic!