Must Try Hacks And Tips For Camping With A Baby
If you love to camp and be outdoors, but have a baby and are a little leery how it will all work, let me help!
I am going to share some tips and tricks for camping with a baby, to make things easier for you and your baby!
Camping with a baby can be a lot of work, but it is worth all the amazing memories that you create, that will last a lifetime!
It is a great family tradition most families do at least once each summer.
Roasting marshmallows over an open fire, listening to the wood crackle, nothing beats the outdoors!
I grew up camping, and camping with a baby never deterred my parents. We began camping in a tent until my parents purchased a small pop up trailer.
Every summer we would get our campground spot at Byng Island Park in Dunnville, Ontario. We spent most of the summer camping.
My grandparents have had a permanent spot there since I was a young child and still do to this day.
Camping is also how we found out I was allergic to bees, wasps, and hornets!
It was a hot summer day and my parents took my siblings and I to the park to play. We were having a blast until the moment my sister and I decided to go down the slide.
She went first and must have rattled the stingy little bastards in their nest. As I slide down behind her I was attacked by a swarm of angry wasps.
Instantly my leg where I was stung over a dozen times swelled, my parents rushed me back to the campsite. My leg was literally 4 times its normal size within mere minutes.
My parents put some wet mud on my leg and packed us in the car to head to the hospital in town. I was given medicine to open my airways as they were closing.
After returning home I went to an allergy specialist and it was confirmed I had a severe allergy to bees, wasps, and hornets. I also have allergies to pretty much all insect bites.
That incident didn’t damper our camping weekend though. Once I was given the all-clear from the hospital we headed back to camp and finished off our weekend!
Must Try Hacks + Tips For Camping With A Baby
I know if you have a new addition to your family it can be intimidating to think about camping with a baby.
If you decide to give it a try, these simple solutions below can help make camping a lot smoother!
Pack Essentials
This is a no brainer, but make sure to pack extra clothes, diapers, wipes, sunscreen, and other essentials.
You will be without a washer more than likely and that means making sure you have enough clothes in case of blowouts.
If your baby doesn’t breastfeed and you need to bring formula, consider buying the ready to feed formula.
The formula is already premixed, making feeding time much easier. You can buy the premixed formula online and at most mass retail stores.
For washing bottles a small tub with warm soapy water will do, or you can use the Playtex bottles with disposable liners for less cleanup.
Pack n Play
If you have a pack n play, make sure to pack that up.
You can take a fitted sheet and put over the top, to protect your baby from the direct sun, and the sides are mesh so air will flow through nicely.
This is a great item to have to let your baby relax in part of the time!
It also works great as a travel bed, if you can fit it in your tent or trailer!
Foam Mat for Tent
You know those foam mats that fit together to create a puzzle, generally with alphabets on them?
Well these are great to lay out in the tent for you baby to have something soft to crawl around on.
Now if you don’t have them and don’t want to run out and buy them, simply lay some blankets down on the tent floor!
You can buy travel bassinets, but if you don’t want to spend the money, and your baby is small enough, consider letting them sleep in a laundry basket.
I know that sounds totally weird, but you can lay down a blanket on the bottom, and lay them on top. It will give them some cushion, and protect them at night.
Consider bringing a stroller along with you so you can easily move your baby around, and it is a safe place for them to relax in.
Most strollers have an umbrella which is great to protect against the sun.
Bring a Tarp
If your baby is crawling, bring a big tarp to lay down on some flat ground.
This can be a great area for your baby to crawl around on, being monitored of course.
You can even lay down some blankets for extra cushion.
If your campground has electricity consider bringing a fan.
This is a great item to have on those hot nights so your baby doesn’t get to hot in the night. It can also offer some noise to help soothe them!
Storage Bin Bath
If you need to give your baby a bath while you are camping, use one of those plastic storage bins.
You can use it to carry some supplies in on your way up. Then when it’s emptied just add in some water and you have a bath tub!
Portable Sound Machine
If your baby sleeps to a sound machine, and your campground doesn’t have electricity, consider bringing a portable sound machine that runs on batteries.
It is a great way to stay consistent in sound for your baby, to help make them feel at home.
Kiddie Pool
If you have room, a blow up kid size pool works great for a play area for your baby.
Just lay some blankets down and then toss in some toys, and you have a perfect, safe play area for your little one!
Do you have any other tips to add for others who are thinking of going camping with their baby? Leave them in the comment section below!
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Victoria Ess says
Great tips! My friend and I are going to try this next year!
kristen visser says
oh definitely a sound machine! those things are key ! as well as a pack n play <3 we never went camping when my girls were babies and still haven't. I am more of a cottage person and hoping we can rent one to have a little family get away