Remember This When You Feel Like You’re Failing As A Mom
At some point you will probably feel like you are failing as a mom. It is inevitable, and human nature, to feel like things are not what you had envisioned they would be.
You have a busy morning, get the kids off to school, your baby was up all night screaming, you’re exhausted and you spilled milk all over the floor. Your kids come home and fuss and whine, you burn dinner, and life just isn’t going smoothly today. We all have had days like this in one way or another. You tell yourself tomorrow is a new day, and wake up to the same chaos.
You Are Not Failing As A Mom
These truths below need to be on repeat in your head when you are struggling, because us moms make the family what they are. We wear many hats and have multiple job titles as moms. Moms are so valuable, and it is okay to have a bad day, but don’t make it a bad life by beating yourself up. You might be going through a hard time right now, or it is on the horizon, so in that I want you to remember this when you feel like you are failing as a mom.
Just a Season
What you are going through is just a season! Whether it is a rough day, rough week, or even a rough month, it will pass. Don’t let this rough time define you as a parent because you are great at it. Sometimes kids can be extra challenging, or we are trying to deal with junk in our own lives and it makes everyday life a bit harder, but the sun will shine tomorrow, there is a light at the end of the tunnel!
Easy to Believe Lies
When you are sleep deprived and/or extra stressed, it is easy to believe those lies in our heads. Just because you feel like you are failing as a mom doesn’t mean you are. Remind yourself you are tired, stressed, and hopefully you get some rest and you will wake up feeling much more aware that you are okay.
Off Days
We all have off days, even our kids. Sometimes you just wake up in a sad or grumpy mood and it doesn’t go away all day. Just because it is a bad day today, doesn’t mean that is how you will be forever. Remember you are allowed to have an off day, and tomorrow will be a fresh new start!
You Yelled At Your Child
Almost all parents get to the point where our temper might get short and we lose it. You yelled at your kids and now you are feeling terrible. I’ve done it, heck sometimes the only time my kids listen to me is when I yell! Just remember, you are human and allowed to have moments like this. It’s natural and you are not the only parent who has yelled at their child. Take a breather, go for a walk, and when you have calmed down, apologize for yelling and explain to your child why you lost your temper. Children are forgiving and at the end of the day, they love you unconditionally!
Take a Breather
It is okay if your child is having a meltdown and you step out of the room to gain composure. It is hard teaching your child right from wrong and dealing with severe meltdowns. Take a step back and allow both of you to calm down, then you can address the situation. This doesn’t make you a bad mom, it makes you a good mom. You know when you need to step back because you have reached your limit.
Do the Best You Can
The most important thing to remember is that at the end of the day, you are doing all you can to love and care for your child. Know that you are doing a great job and your children are so grateful to have you as their mom. After all, doing the best you can is all that is asked of you, and that makes you a great mom!
If you are a stay at home mom and are having trouble finding balance, or sanity, check out my tips on how to rock being a stay at home mom!
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kathy downey says
We all feel this way at one time or another but we have to remember we are not alone !
Elizabeth Matthiesen says
Doing the best you can do is all we can do and we are all human and so make mistakes too, learn from those mistakes and be assured life may be tough at the moment but you are the only mom they have and they love you and need you whether they or you are having a good or a bad day.