YES TV is the hottest all-new television station and entertainment destination, a must watch for all your favourite fall shows. Starting in September 2014 you can find popular programs such as The Biggest Loser, Jeopardy, Judge Judy, X-Factor, Wheel of Fortune, Hot Bench and more.
I don’t watch a whole lot of TV, I am definitely not one to run out of room on my PVR but I do have a handful of shows I enjoy watching when I do find the time to sit down and relax in front of the television. Judge Judy has been a long-time fave of mine, I just love her feisty nature and her “tell it how it is” attitude. She reminds me a lot of myself, sometimes I find myself being a little too brutally honest!
I find her show highly entertaining and sometimes wonder if the people that go onto her show have ever watched her show. I mean if I knew I had a strong case against someone I might still be a little scared of her.
With three daughters, two of which are 9 & 12 years old, I find myself taking on the role of Judge and Jury on a daily basis. I often ask my mother “did me and Stefanie (my younger sister) fight this much?”, or find myself saying to her “I don’t recall ever fighting that much with Stefanie”. I know siblings fight and bicker, it’s a part of growing up and I continually tell my girls “one day you will be best friends again like you were when you were little” to which I get rolling eyes.
My oldest daughters are really like night and day; it is amazing how different they are. Abby is a boss, when playing games or doing anything. It has to be her way, her rules and if it isn’t, there is a problem. Hailee is a sensitive soul, she cries and her feelings get hurt quickly. Abby is also in that “becoming a teen” transition stage which at times is a hair pulling experience to say the least. From the emotional outbursts of tears for almost no reason to the huffing and puffing when told to do something I often feel the Judy in me coming out!
Most recently Hailee, returned home from a summer visit with my Father and Step-Mom. One would think after some time apart my two girls would miss each other and get along for at least a few days. Wishful thinking right? Well it wasn’t long after she returned home that the two of them got into a screaming match because Hailee sprayed the water gun in Abby’s direction outside and she didn’t want to get wet (Abby who was outside with water balloons and a bucket of water). From my Judge’s bench, aka the porch, I called over my girls. Of course the whole way over Abby had to loudly claim her case as to why she doesn’t want to get wet etc. etc. Trying not to laugh, seriously the things they fight over are so silly, I said to Abby first “if you are outside playing with all the kids who are playing with water and it is okay for you to wet them with balloons and the bucket then you have to assume the risk of getting wet yourself”. She quickly rebutted “but I don’t want these clothes to get wet”. I laid down the law Judge Judy style and said “you have two choices; 1. Go inside, get on a bathing suit and top and continue to enjoy playing or 2. Go inside”. Needless to say with eye rolling and a huff of defeat she walked inside and got changed. While she was inside I turned to Hailee, who by this time had a huge grin on her face and I said “make sure you soak her good when she comes back out”!
In all honesty my kids are amazing and even though they battle like it’s nobody’s business most days I am glad to say they keep it at home. There has not been many times they have misbehaved while we were out and I think it is because they know the consequences to causing a scene out in public and don’t want to lose privileges once we return home. I can recall taking my two girls to a Christmas party at a daycare I worked at and my boss said to me “your children are so well behaved”. I laughed because they were so well behaved, sitting there on the chairs nicely watching the show and I replied “I know, if anything I should keep them in public 24/7 since they know if they misbehave while we are out they lose privileges when we get home”.
See how other Canadian women get excited and relate to the new fall line up on YES TV
Judge Judy airs on YES TV weeknights at 6pm & 6:30pm in Ontario and 5pm & 5:30pm in Alberta!
Don’t forget to visit to view their complete fall schedule.
Disclosure: Although this post has been generously sponsored by YES TV, the opinions and language are all my own, and in no way do they reflect YES TV. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, company, provider or party in question.
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Jennifer (momvstheboys) says
Judge Judy makes me laugh, she’s hysterical! Great giveaway!
Pam says
I’ve never heard of this before. I’m going to look into finding out a bit more for sure. Thanks for the giveaway, too. And, isn’t Judge Judy addicting?
Elizabeth L says
Oh I love Judge Judy, its so full of hot messes and she is so No Nonsense! Sounds like a great line up for fall tv!
mykidsguide says
I love Judge Judy too. This is so true: I find myself acting like a judge for my kids.
{Erica}EverythingMomandBaby says
I just heard about YESTV. It looks great. I’m a Judge Judy fan too, lol
celebbabylaundry says
I’ve just heard about YES TV today, it’s being mentioned everywhere. Looks like something worth trying.
jodi shaw says
YES TV rocks, the line-up of shows is great. Judge Judy makes me giggle.