Little baby Badali is growing away in his or her safe little haven and we have officially reached 12 weeks (yesterday) which is the 3 month mark!
How Far Along: 12 weeks, 1 day
Maternity Clothes: Yes, have had to start sporting maternity tops however I hate maternity pants so I have been wearing a lot of sweats and tights. Something about that massive band of elastic material on my belly makes me itch like it is no ones business!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Funny enough when I turned 30 I threw out my scale so I know my pre-pregnancy weight but haven’t weighed myself since finding out and oddly enough the doctor has yet to weigh me at any of my appointments. I did however gain 68lbs with Abby (now 11) and 55lbs with Hailee (now 8) so hopefully I can keep the weight gain to a “normal” amount this pregnancy as I don’t think my metabolism works the same way it did in my 20’s!
Stretch Marks: None, I was lucky to not get any with my previous two pregnancies so I am hoping the luck continues
Symptoms: Sore boobs, peeing every five minutes (or the feeling I have to and nothing comes out haha) and exhaustion are the main symptoms I have been dealing with since finding out I was pregnant, thankfully no morning sickness!
Have You Started To Show Yet: YES, I swear after having a baby your body is like “Oh you’re pregnant, ok lets make you look it right away!” LOL I have a nice baby bump and my better half even asked me if I recently stuck a melon in there because he hadn’t seen me in a few days and le bump had grown!
Sleep: I am a belly sleeper which if you have been pregnant know this is virtually impossible to do so ya lets just say I wake up every hour on the hour because I am not comfortable sleeping on my side.
Anything Making You Queasy Or Sick: Nope can’t say anything has made me gag to date!
Happy Or Moody: Oh I am definitely moody, I find things irritate me a lot quicker than normal.
Food Cravings: As any of my friends would tell you I Facebook constantly about making Tang Popsicles, I just cannot help myself they are refreshing and tasty! I also have an extreme need for sour candies lately.
Food Aversions: Sadly I hate Caesar Salad 🙁 I tried to have one the other night and I could barely swallow the first bite and this is normally one of my most favourite things to snack on in the evening if I am still hungry! I am hoping this changes because I don’t know if I can go 6 more months without one.
Best Moment This Week: Since the week just started I am going to say last week finding out the so-called “Trophoblastic Tissue” was only my placenta so I don’t have cancer because that was by far the most stressful moment during this pregnancy thus far and hearing the radiologist made such an idiotic mistake made me feel so much better even though I was angry about how someone who is “trained” could make such an error!
Movement: None yet.
Labor Signs: None and if all goes well I won’t have to feel labor signs as I will have a scheduled c-section prior to my due date.
Gender: Our first ultrasound was at 10 weeks and 5 days so it was too early to tell but I am hoping that we can find out during our next ultrasound.
Belly Button In Or Out: I have an inny, although I have been asked a bazillion times if my belly button has popped out because I have a belly ring and it is more noticeable now that my belly is getting big!
What I Miss: Sleeping and pooping on a regular basis lol!
What I Am Looking Forward To: I am looking forward to hearing the baby’s heartbeat and feeling my baby move for the first time. I got to see the baby’s heartbeat during my ultrasound but have yet to hear it.
Weekly Wisdom: If you haven’t had a bowel movement in days Ducolax is your best friend LOL! Of course call your doctor and ask if it is okay to take a stool softener (most if not all will say yes as it is harmless to your baby).
If you are also 12 weeks pregnant below is some information on how your baby is growing!
How your baby’s growing:
Your baby’s face is changing and beginning to look more human, the eyes which started out on the sides of your baby’s head have moved closer together and the ears are almost in their normal position. This is when the tissues and organs that have already formed in your baby’s body rapidly grow and mature. Your baby’s intestines, which start out as a large swelling in the umbilical cord, will begin moving into the abdominal cavity about now. The liver is making bile and the kidneys are secreting urine in the bladder.
Your baby squirms if your abdomen is prodded even though you cannot feel movement yet. Nerve cells have been multiplying quickly and neurological connections in your baby’s brain are forming. Your baby’s reflexes are developing; touching the palms makes the fingers close, touching the soles of the feet makes the toes curl down and touching the eyelids makes the eye muscles clench.
At this stage of your pregnancy your doctor can now feel the top of your uterus low in your abdomen. As you enter the second trimester you may find yourself sporting looser, less restrictive clothing – if you are like me you may already be in maternity clothing.
Are you expecting? Feel free to take the pregnancy survey and leave your answers in the comment section below to share your pregnancy journey with us!
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Kelly Little says
Congrats on your new little bundle of joy!
Cathy says
I am so happy for you Aimee, try a body pillow for sleeping. I am a belly sleeper and when I was preggo with my daughter I used one so I could sleep it was great. Swung one leg over and an arm and I slept really well.
Aimee says
Thank you very much Cathy, I will definitely try the body pillow 🙂 Thanks for the advice, fingers crossed it helps some!